Allied Health & Nursing Professionals Committee


The Allied Health & Nursing Professionals Committee (AHNP) aligns its mission with that of IPTA to advance the science and practice of pediatric transplantation and to improve the health of all children who require transplantation through the various subspecialties of this group, including nursing, nutrition, psycho-social health, developmental, physical and occupational therapies and pharmaceutical management. Under the auspices of IPTA, the AHNP is dedicated to promoting advances in these inter-professional specialties to improve outcomes for all children who receive transplants and their families and to advocate for their rights as transplant candidates and recipients.


As a committee within IPTA and in conjunction with IPTA, the AHNP aims to:
  • Promote an international network of allied health professionals dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of pediatric transplantation.
  • Promote a comprehensive, collaborative and inter-professional approach to achieve the best quality of life and psychosocial outcomes for pediatric transplant recipients.
  • Promote research within the multidisciplinary inter-professional team specialties and provide opportunities to disseminate allied health research and programming.
  • Serve as a unified voice for the unique needs of pediatric transplant candidates, recipients and their families within IPTA, our transplant centers, and the community.
  • Actively participate and foster greater involvement in IPTA allied health educational opportunities and programming.

Committee Initiatives

Allied Health Membership and Focus Survey
To describe the prevalence, diversity and clinical practice focus of AHNP team members within each centre globally. This information will serve as a foundation to help inform and develop a greater understanding of multi-disciplinary team composition, and frameworks regarding professional practice.
Maintain Regular Communication with Allied Health
To continually update the Allied Health & Nursing Professional page on the IPTA website including regular profiling of AHNP members, update of committee initiatives and membership benefits. Check out our webpage for upcoming features including ‘Get To Know Your AHNP Colleagues’, with member profiles every two months and updates on AHNP related research projects.
Continuing Education with AHNP Members through the Development of a Series of Webinars
To develop a series of webinars covering a range of relevant AHNP topics, and drawing upon the expertise of members. The topics for these webinars will be informed by the AHNP survey results and direct feedback from our members during the IPTA 2019 Congress.
The Allied Health & Nursing Professional Committee of IPTA is a dynamic group of transplant professionals in nursing, psychology, social work, child life, rehabilitative therapies and pharmacy that significantly contributes to the organization’s mission through their diverse roles and experience in pediatric transplantation. The committee focuses on uniting the allied health community in providing educational and networking opportunities; developing educational tools for patients, families and staff; designing and participating in research activities; and creating a forum to exchange clinical experiences in pediatric transplantation worldwide.
Please consider becoming an Allied Health member of IPTA. A one-year membership is $100 USD and a two-year membership is $190 for Allied Health & Nursing professionals. Save some time and money with the two-year membership offer.

There are lots of important reasons to become an Allied Health member of IPTA!


There are many opportunities to network and develop mentor relationships with other IPTA allied health members as well as other team members in the organization. Networking opportunities include:

• The IPTA online member directory
• Symposium networking events focused on Allied Health & Nursing Professionals
• Committee participation
• List-serve participation with questions specific to pediatric transplantation

Committee Participation:

Become involved in one or more of IPTA’s very active committees for even more networking and educational opportunities. There are several to choose from including:

• Allied Health
• Membership
• Ethics
• Education
• Infectious Disease
• Outreach
• Publications
• Communications

The committees communicate through regularly scheduled conference calls, emails, and meetings at the Congress.

Educational opportunities:

• Up-to-date pediatric educational opportunities from the top leaders in the field of pediatric transplantation

• Online subscription to the IPTA Journal: Pediatric Transplantation
• Discounted journal subscription rates for Transplantation Proceedings and Transplantation Reviews
• Biennial Fellows Workshop (open to all members)
• Access to the IPTA 2017 and 2019 Congress recordings
• Reduced Congress registration fees for future Congresses
• Trainees and Allied Health & Nursing Professional members are eligible to apply for travel awards for the biennial Congress.


The IPTA quarterly newsletter that includes:

• Case studies dealing with key ethical issues to spark awareness, education and discussion
• Literature reviews
• Committee initiatives and updates


  • Co-Chairs
    Debra Leftowitz, USA
    Jenny Prufe, Germany
  • Past Chair and Council Liaison
    Jenny Wichart, Canada
  • Members
    Anna Hughart-Smith, USA
    Louise Kipping, UK
    Hannah Lee, USA
    Carla McDonough, USA
    Jemma Mears, UK
    Anette Nasr, USA
  • Past Chairs
    Gillian Mayersohn, USA
    Anna Gold, Canada
  • Liaisons
    Education: Gerri James, USA
    Ethics: Anna Gold, Canada
    Membership Communications: Courtney Risley, USA
    Outreach: Jenny Wichart, Canada
    Publications: Adrianna Sikora, USA
    ID: Jessica Brennen, USA
    Multi-Organ: Louise Bannister, USA
  • Ex Officio
    Catherine Patterson, Canada



Staff Directory
+1-514-874-1717 x216


Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6