Welcome the International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Association

5th Summit on Stem Cell Derived Islets - Welcome Message from the Organizers

A Note from the IPITA President

Dear Colleagues,
IPITA is devoted to developing cures for diabetes through replacement or regeneration of insulin-producing beta cells. We are living in an exciting period when the treatment of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is going through major changes. Rapid advances in automated insulin delivery, the approval of teplizumab, a drug to prevent type 1 diabetes late last year and powerful new drugs for type 2 diabetes and obesity are all changing how diabetes is treated. Once type 1 diabetes becomes established and remaining beta cell mass is very low then reversal of diabetes will depend on beta-cell replacement. This is not yet feasible in most people with T1D for two major reasons: supply of donor organs and the need for immunosuppression. Therefore, it is used in highly restricted circumstances such as when a T1D patient has a kidney transplant. IPITA is playing a highly significant role as it has since it was established 30 years ago – see the history project on this website.

Continue Reading Note from the President

The exact pace of change is hard to judge but major clinical trials are underway to test beta cell replacement based on stem-cell derived islets and xenotransplantation is also in a period of rapid progress. These advances will address limited supply of cells for transplantation. Other moves are underway to reduce need for immunosuppression that will be required for wide uptake of beta cell replacement. Advances in the field of stem-cell derived islets are reviewed frequently at the workshop that IPITA puts on in conjunction with the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and the JDRF. Advances in all forms of beta cell replacement are reviewed at the IPITA congress and also at the joint meetings we hold with the IXA and CTRMS. We are looking forward to the next IPITA Congress to be held in Pisa, Italy from June 18-22 2025.

For the present, however, whole pancreas and isolated islet transplantation remain the backbone of current beta cell replacement. IPITA is committed to fully support clinicians and others who provide these important and complex procedures and technologies. We have recently established a pancreas transplant community of practice to ensure a forum for new and more experienced surgeons to discuss issues in the field.

IPITA has a Council with an excellent balance of global location, professional background (transplantation, endocrinology, islet biology, biomedical engineering etc), and gender and we would love you to engage with the Council and its committees. Please feel free to put yourself forward for greater involvement in activities that interest you.

IPITA supports beta cell replacement in all its forms and works together with other organisations and institutions such as the American Diabetes Association and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and with industry to work towards a life without diabetes.

Tom Kay
IPITA President

Beta-Cell Bulletin - September Issue

In this Issue: Report on the 4th Summit on Stem Cell-Derived Beta Cells, IPITA-IXA-CTRMS 2023 Joint Congress, and Recent Publications of Interest.

5th Stem Cell Summit

October 28-29, 2024 | Boston, USA

History of IPITA


IPITA 2025

June 15-18, 2025 | Pisa, Italy

Official Journal of

IPITA 2023 Congress Awards
Congratulations to all recipients!

    Video Testimonials

      Expert Opinion about the IPITA 2021 Congress

      6-Year Journey of IPITA from 2015 to 2021

      2021 Educational Initiative

      A Statement from IPITA

      IPITA rejects racism and discrimination, hatred and abuse, prejudice and intolerance. IPITA supports those suffering injustice, stands on the foundation of equality and pursues the greater good for the benefit of all people and for a better world.



      Staff Directory
      +1-514-874-1717 x216


      International Pancreas & Islet Transplant Association
      c/o The Transplantation Society
      740 Notre-Dame Ouest
      Suite 1245
      Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6