The International Pediatric Transplant Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues, transplant patients and their families, and the people of Ukraine, and are ready to support the Ukrainian transplant community in this tragic time.
The International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) is a professional organization of individuals in the field of pediatric transplantation. The purpose of the Association is to advance the science and practice of pediatric transplantation worldwide in order to improve the health of all children who require such treatment. The Association is dedicated to promoting technical and scientific advances in pediatric transplantation and to advocating for the rights of all children who need transplantation.
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Scholarships for Young Investigator / Trainees and Allied Health Professionals / Outreach Program / Fellows Symposium / Biennial Congress. You may also make an unrestricted donation which will be used to help IPTA to promote the advancement of the science and practice of transplantation in children worldwide and to serve as a unified voice for the special needs of pediatric transplant recipients.
Organ-Specific Communities - Upcoming Community Calls
As you may be aware, the IPTA Council recently decided to establish organ-specific Communities (Liver, Thoracic and Kidney). These forums welcome the participation of all IPTA members, providing an opportunity to contribute and enrich IPTA's activities. We have outlined the upcoming schedule of organ-specific Community calls, and invite all IPTA members to join!
Question Bank - Pediatric Kidney Transplantation - June 2024
Want to stay up to date on transplantation? Want to test your knowledge? Here’s your chance! Our latest round of questions are focused on cardiac transplant.
IPTA promotes involvement of all of its members, especially those in their early career or those who work in places where publication is not considered a priority in the scientific community. For this purpose, a mentoring program has been developed. Hereby, early career researchers can access research projects improving their publication yield.
The IPTA Outreach Committee is delighted to announce the winners of its 2024 Outreach Fellowship. All are pediatric transplant focused and working within the framework of the Declaration of Istanbul. For the first time, a third Fellowship was offered, which focused on using experiences gained to help a more underserved region of the same country.