IPTA Fundraising

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Scholarships for Young Investigator / Trainees and Allied Health Professionals / Outreach Program / Fellows Symposium / Biennial Congress. You may also make an unrestricted donation which will be used to help IPTA to promote the advancement of the science and practice of transplantation in children worldwide and to serve as a unified voice for the special needs of pediatric transplant recipients.

Will be used to help IPTA to promote the advancement of the science and practice of transplantation in children worldwide and to serve as a unified voice for the special needs of pediatric transplant recipients.

Young Investigator / Trainees
Will be used to support the involvement of trainees who intend to pursue a career in transplantation in educational and other activities of IPTA.

Allied Health
Will be used to support and grow the diverse activities and initiatives of the Allied Health members of IPTA.

Outreach Fellowship
Will be used to support a competitive fellowship grant, which offers physicians, allied health and nursing professionals from low or low middle income countries financial support (up to $5000 USD per fellow) to spend up to 3 months at a supporting transplant centre to gain new skills.

Fellow’s Symposium
Will be used to support this biannual symposium where trainees will have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from the faculty in addition to having opportunities to network and discuss issues relevant to a career in pediatric solid organ transplantation.

Biennial Congress
Will be used to support the biannual congress to promote research and provide a forum that highlights the most recent advances in clinical and basic sciences related to pediatric transplantation.

Note: If you want to donate more than $10,000 please contact katie.tait@tts.org to arrange the donation.

IPTA is a 501c3 non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. Our EIN is 13-4045482.



Staff Directory
+1-514-874-1717 x210


International Pediatric Transplant Association
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6