2025 International Chauvet Workshop | Helsinki, Finland | Friday, June 27, 2025

Preceding the 2025 ISVCA Congress

The Chauvet Concept

  • Importance of the psychological/psychiatric evaluation in VCA
  • Psychological impact of VCA
  • Creation of common protocols for evaluation, follow-up, and supportive treatment
  • The Chauvet workgroup addresses psychosocial domains and provides an interdisciplinary platform for the development of psychosocial guidelines and a multicenter research collaboration
  • All teams involved in VCA are invited to collaborate
Relevé des gestes de l'artiste sur le "panneau de la Mammarhino", Salle Brunel, Grotte Chauvet Pont d'Arc > Cliché D. Baffier/V. Féruglio

First International Chauvet Workshop

Paris (Novotel Eiffel), March 21-22, 2014

Since the beginning of the upper extremity transplantation era, the importance of the psychiatric/psychosocial evaluation of the potential candidates of upper extremity allotransplantation and the psychological impact of this type of transplantation on the recipients has been acknowledged. However, up to now common protocols for evaluation, follow-up and supportive treatment do not exist.

The first Chauvet meeting focused on the experience to date on the psychiatric/psychosocial evaluation, instruments used and psychosocial outcomes of hand grafted patients. Our goal was to initiate a multicenter study in order to gather data, develop a protocol for the evaluation, follow-up of and supportive treatment of patients, and advance in this new and special field of transplantation.

Summary of the First Workshop

Second International Chauvet Workshop

Paris (Mercure Tour Eiffel), September 17-19, 2016

The second workshop as well as the first International Chauvet Workshop was based on open and collegial discussion regarding psychosocial and ethical issues in VCA, including upper extremity, face and uterus transplantations.

One of the goals of the second workshop was to create a set of “recommendations” for psychosocial contraindication, evaluation and treatment in upper extremity allotransplantation on the basis of a survey sent to all active transplant centers.

Another goal was to give an update on the psychosocial issues in face transplantation focusing on critical topics such as suicide and face transplantation, body image, psychological follow-up and support of the face grafted patients and ethical issues. Finally, psychosocial and ethical issues in uterus transplantation were considered to better understand benefits and risks in this unique transplantation.


Staff Directory
+1-514-874-1717 x210


International Society of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6