TTS By-Election for Councilor-at-large - Europe (2025-2026)

In accordance with our bylaws, we are holding a by-election for the Councilor-at-large Europe (2022-2026) position, which is being vacated by John Forsythe. The term for this position will last until the end of the current term, September 23, 2026. Please choose one of the five candidates listed below and cast your vote.

Voting is now open!

Deadline to vote is April 8, 2025 @ 23:59

Salvatore Gruttadauria


Salvatore Gruttadauria, Italy

Dr. Salvatore Gruttadauria is the Chairmen of the Department Abdominal Center at the IRCCS ISMETT UMPC Italy in Palermo Italy.

He is Clinical Professor of Surgery at the Department of Surgery of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Professor of Surgery at the University of Catania in Italy.

Dr. Gruttadauria was trained at ISMETT by the T. Starzl transplant team and became the first Sicilian surgeon to perform a liver transplant in Sicily. In 2021, he is the first surgeon in the world to transplant a liver from a SARS COVID positive donor into an adult recipient.

President of the 2024 national meeting of the Italian Society of Organ Transplantation, has performed more than 7,000 major surgical procedures of which 1000 organ transplants. He is the author of more than 300 scientific publications with 40 of h index.

Nassim Kamar


Nassim Kamar, France

Nassim Kamar is a Professor of Nephrology at Toulouse University Hospital in France and is the Head of the Department of Nephrology and Organ Transplantation. He is the Director of the heart, liver, pancreas and kidney transplant programs. Currently, he is the President-Elect of the Francophone Society for Transplantation.

He received his medical degree from Dijon University, France. Thereafter, his internship was conducted at Toulouse University, where he graduated with a specialty in Nephrology. He received additional training in renal replacement therapy and medical pedagogy. He also completed a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship in basic research at La Charité Hospital, Berlin, Germany. Prof Kamar was awarded his Ph.D. degree in 2006. He is member of a research group at the INSERM UMR 1291, Toulouse Institute for Infectious and Inflammatory Disease (Infinity).

Prof Kamar’s interests are viral infection, particularly hepatitis E virus, hepatitis C virus, BK virus, and cytomegalovirus infections that develop after solid organ transplantation. He is also interested in immunosuppression after transplantation. Prof Kamar has published more than 760 papers in peer-review journals.

Between 2013 and 2017, he was a member of The Council of the International Transplant Infectious Disease Society.

In 2008, he received an award from la Fondation du Rein. In 2009, he received the Grand Prix de Médecine from the Académie des Sciences Inscriptions, et Belles-lettres de Toulouse. In 2015, he received the Palme de Médecine des CHU.

His vision for TTS is to encourage collaborative participation and representation for TTS members from all around the world.

Nithya Santhana Krishnan

United Kingdom

Nithya Santhana Krishnan, United Kingdom

Professor N S Krishnan  MBBS, FRCP, MD
Consultant Transplant Nephrologist
Professor, The Center of Health & Communities, Coventry University<
Associate Professor, University of Warwick
Former Co-Chair, Education Committee and CME Committee, TTS
Executive Board, Commonwealth ‘Tribute to Life’
Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Mohan Foundation, India

Professor Krishnan is a physician with a national and international profile in various clinical, research and educational areas in nephrology and transplantation.  She is leadership trained, including the Harvard Leading Innovations in Health Care & Education< program, and has over 250 peer-reviewed academic outputs. Her main research interests include antibody incompatible transplantation, prediction models in transplantation using AI, long term outcomes of transplantation, live donation, nonadherence in young adults and health inequalities. She is particularly passionate about helping women around the world, to break the glass ceilings and fly off from glass cliffs.

As Consultant Transplant Nephrologist at UHCW she conceptualized and devised a formal partnership in Transplantation, between UHCW and Oxford, forming the COxTNet, which has pioneered the way for collaborative partnerships between other units in U.K.

As the Education Committee Co-chair of The Transplantation Society, she has been involved in setting up training programs in transplantation to benefit trainees globally. She has actively helped with the launch of the Commonwealth ‘Tribute to life’, a consortium in transplantation to enable organ donation and transplantation in developing countries.

As the first Professor of Clinical Health at Coventry University, she is leading the educational and research collaboration with MOHAN Foundation, India, and developing online training modules for nurses, coordinators and doctors in transplantation world-wide.

She has won the following national and international awards:

  1. For the Sake of Honour Award, the La Renon TANKER Foundation, India, January 2021
  2. Women’s Role Model Award, British Asian Physicians of Indian Origin, U.K, November 2020
  3. Finalist, Asian Women Achievement Awards, Professions Category, U.K, July 2020

Marti Manyalich Vidal


Marti Manyalich Vidal, Spain

Dr. Marti Manyalich, MD, PhD, is a globally recognized specialist with decades of experience in the field of organ, tissue and cell donation for transplantation. In 1991 he founded  the Transplant Procurement Management (TPM) program dedicated to empowering health professionals in donation and transplantation worldwide and President of the DTI Foundation (Donation & Transplantation Institute) a non-profit organization based in Barcelona with the aim to raise organ donation in the world to improve society’s quality of life by training health professionals in organ donation & transplantation, trough cooperation projects and consultancy.  

Dr Marti Manyalich is also former Assessor on Transplantation at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, as well as professor of international Master in donation & Transplantation of organ tissues and cells at University of Barcelona. He has written many scientific publications and holds memberships in the most relevant international organizations in this field. As an example, he has been president of ISODP & ETCO, vice president of EATB and TTS European Councillor, honorary member of ESOT, among other positions and recognitions for his outstanding career."

Georgios Tsoulfas


Georgios Tsoulfas, Greece

Dr Georgios Tsoulfas received his MD from Brown University School of Medicine and completed a general surgery residency at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, as well as a transplant research fellowship at the Starzl Transplant Institute at the University of Pittsburgh. He then completed a two-year transplantation surgery fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School and then joined the Division of Solid Organ Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery at the University of Rochester Medical Center as an Assistant Professor of Surgery. He moved back to Greece in 2008, where he is currently Professor of Transplantation Surgery and Chief at the Department of Transplantation Surgery at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Medicine and the Center for Research and Innovation in Solid Organ Transplantation.  He has published over 200 papers in peer-reviewed Journals and in PubMed, as well as 35 book chapters with an H-index 34 and an i10-index 82 and over 7500 citations.  He has edited 8 books and is a reviewer for 30 International Journal and on the Editorial Board of several others, including International Surgery and Annals of Surgical Oncology.

 The recipient of awards such as the Edward E. Mason award for excellence in patient care and education, he is a member of a number of professional organizations including the the TTS, Society of Surgical Oncology, the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, Association for Academic Surgery, International College of Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, International Liver Transplantation Society, Society for Laparoscopic Surgeons and International HepaticoPancreaticoBilliary Association.  Also the recipient of the American College of Surgeons International Guest Scholarship. He has served as a member of multiple committees, including the International Relations Committee of the American College of Surgeons and the International Relations Committee of the American HepaticoPancreaticoBiliary Association (AHPBA).  Currently the president of the Greek Chapter of the International College of Surgeons, he has served as World President of the International College of Surgeons and Chair of the International Relations Committee of the American College of Surgeons. He has served as a member of the AHPBA and the IHPBA Education and Training Committees and the E-AHPBA Education Committee (Training Program Accreditation), the ASTS CME and Professional Development committee and the AASLD Training and Workforce Committee.  He is also a member of the Executive Council of the Hellenic Surgical Society and President of the Hellenic Transplantation Society.

Clinical and research interests include hepatobiliary surgery, primary and secondary hepatic malignancies, ischemia/reperfusion injury, solid organ transplantation, as well as medical/surgical education and the use of technology, including applications of artificial technology and 3D printing in surgery.

To participate in the election you must be a Full Member of TTS with paid 2025 membership dues.

The future of TTS depends upon your participation in this important decision-making process. The results of the election will be announced later in the year.

We look forward to your participation in the election.


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