I am very happy to announce after careful review and consideration, the Awards Committee has selected the 2013 recipient of the Carl-Gustav Groth Xeno prize. The 2013 winner is Dr. Joshua P. Waldman of the University of Toledo. The title of the winning paper is “Blocking porcine sialoadhesin improves extracorporeal porcine liver xenoperfusion with human blood”. To view the abstract or access the content, please click here. Dr. Waldman will be officially recognized during the 2015 Joint Congress in Melbourne, Australia. The papers nominated in 2013 represent the highest caliber and this was a difficult decision for the Committee. A special thank you is owed to the publisher of Xenotransplantation, Wiley for their continued support of this award.

The Council of IXA would like to invite all IXA members to provide ideas for a new logo for our Association. We have traditionally utilized the lamassu, a mythical Assyrian human-headed chimera, as the logo for the IXA. Following recent discussions that the lamassu may present a confusing image to the general public, the Council would like to reimagine the logo as something more modern and stylized. I welcome suggestions, ideas and images for alternative logos from all IXA members. Please email your thoughts and ideas to the Association’s Coordinator at sections@tts.org.