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2024 - TTS Education Webinar Series

10727.4 - The Roles of Allied Health Professionals in Deceased Donation

Presenter: Luc Colenbie, Cassandra Raios, Ana López-Lazcano, , ,
Authors: Luc Colenbie, Cassandra Raios, Ana López-Lazcano, Estephan Arredondo Córdova, Farida Younan


This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse and important roles that allied health professionals (AHP) may play in deceased donation around the world. It will highlight some of the many benefits of including AHP in multidisciplinary care teams, as well as some of the challenges and barriers to inclusion of AHPs in particular countries and regions.

The vital roles of AHPs are rarely given attention, and many transplant clinicians may be unfamiliar with the important and diverse roles they play. This webinar is also strategically important in drawing attention to the relatively new AHP committee and aims to encourage recruitment of new AHP members of TTS, promote engagement with the committee’s future activities and encourage registration of AHPs for the Istanbul conference and satellite event.

Learning Objectives

  1. Be familiar with the range of roles that allied health professionals may play in deceased organ donation worldwide: nursing, social workers, psychologists and physiotherapis role.
  2. Describe the potential benefits of including allied health professionals in multidisciplinary deceased donation care.
  3. Discuss potential barriers and solutions for effective engagement with allied health professionals in organ donation.
Farida Younan, Lebanon
TTS AHP Committee Chair

Estephan Arredondo Córdova, Spain 
TTS AHP Committee Co-Chair

Luc Colenbie, Belgium
Cassandra Raios, Australia
Ana López-Lazcano, Spain

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  1. The opinions and statements expressed on this site reflect the views of the author or authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Transplantation Society and/or its Sections.
  2. The hosting of material on The Transplantation Society site does not signify endorsement of this material by The Transplantation Society and/or its Sections.
  3. The material is solely for educational purposes for qualified health care professionals.
  4. The Transplantation Society and/or its Sections are not liable for any decision made or action taken based on the information contained in the material on this site.
  5. The information cannot be used as a substitute for professional care.
  6. The information does not represent a standard of care.
  7. No physician-patient relationship is being established.



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