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Presenter: Graham, Lord, London, UK
Authors: Graham Lord
Key Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the theory of genome-wide association scans
2. Understand ways of analyzing the interaction of two genomes in a single patient
3. Learn what is known about the genetics of allograft dysfunction
Genetic interactions between donor and recipient genomes in the context of renal transplantation determine early and late renal allograft dysfunction and subsequent transplant failure. Renal transplant failure is largely genetically determined and the majority of the donor and recipient genes that cause allografts to fail are unknown. Genome wide association scans in this patient population will help us to define the genetic variation in donor and recipient genomes that determine long term renal allograft outcome and the variation in donor and recipient genomes that determine short term renal allograft dysfunction. Furthermore, we are able to discover variation in the recipient genome that correlates with end-stage renal failure.
Resolving these scientific questions will rapidly enable early translational studies of organ allocation and graft monitoring with a realistic prospect of improving patient outcomes within a relatively short timeframe.
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