2011 - CTS-IXA

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Parallel Session 4- Innate Immunity, xenoantigens and antibodies (Xeno Track)

6.134 - T cell-directed immunosuppressive therapy prevents development of natural anti-AB and anti-pig antibodies in infant baboons

Presenter: Eefje, Dons, Pittsburgh, United States
Authors: Eefje Dons1, Claudia Montoya1, Hidetaka Hara1, Cassandra Long1, Gabriel Echeverri1, Burcin Ekser1, Corin Ezzelarab1, Dasha Roa1, Roman Wolf2, Mohamed Ezzelarab1, Lori West3, David Cooper1


T cell-directed immunosuppressive therapy prevents development of natural anti-AB and anti-pig antibodies in infant baboons

Eefje Dons1, Claudia Montoya1, Hidetaka Hara1, Cassandra Long1, Gabriel Echeverri1, Burcin Ekser1, Corin Ezzelarab1, Dasha Roa1, Roman Wolf2, Mohamed Ezzelarab1, Lori West3, David Cooper1

1Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States; 2Division of Animal Resources, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, United States; 3Department of Pediatrics, Cardiac Transplant Research, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Introduction: We attempted to determine whether B cell tolerance to incompatible A/B (AB-I) allo-antigens and wild-type (WT) pig xeno-antigens could be achieved in infant baboons before production of anti-AB and anti-pig antibodies (Abs) begins during the first few months of life.

Methods: We implanted artery patch grafts in the aorta in 3m baboons using either AB-I or WT grafts. Gp1 (n=2) received either AB-I or WT graft without immunosuppressive therapy (IS). Gp2A received AB-I+IS (n=2); Gp2B received WT+IS (n=2). IS (ATG, anti-CD154mAb, MMF) was discontinued at 8m of age. Gp3 (n=2) received either anti-CD154mAb or CTLA4-Ig only, but no graft. A control group (Gp4, n=6) received no IS and no graft. Follow-up (except in Gp1) was for 12-18m. Anti-AB and anti-Gal IgM and IgG were measured by ELISA; anti-pig Abs by flow cytometry. The cellular response was measured by MLR.

Results: In Gp 4, anti-AB and anti-pig IgM (but not IgG) increased steadily throughout follow-up. Gp1 became sensitized only to donor-specific A or B or pig antigens within 2 weeks (increase in IgG Abs and proliferation in MLR), and were euthanized at 4 weeks. Gp2 and Gp3 that received anti-CD154mAb did not make either anti-AB or anti-pig Abs while receiving IS (irrespective of the presence or type of graft), but both anti-AB and anti-pig IgM (but not IgG) began to increase steadily after ceasing IS.

Conclusions: The production of natural anti-AB and anti-pig Abs was inhibited by IS with anti-CD154mAb (but not CTLA4-Ig), even in the absence of an allograft or xenograft, suggesting that natural Abs may be T cell-dependent. These data contrast to clinical experience with AB-I allotransplantation in infants, who cease producing only donor-specific Abs, and may be related to the IS agent used. Lack of Ab production to a pig g.

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