2021 - SPLIT 25th Annual Meeting

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Day 1

1.4 - SESSION 2: Advancement in Liver Transplant for Metabolic Liver Disease: Transplant and Beyond

Presenter: Kevin, Strauss, Lancaster, United States
Authors: Kevin Strauss, Jodie Vento, Simon Horslen, Katherine Black, Anna Banc-Husu and Jody Weckworth


Advancement in Liver Transplant for Metabolic Liver Disease: Transplant and Beyond
Moderated by: Anna Banc-Husu and Jody Weckworth, PA-C


Kevin Strauss, MD
Medical Director - Clinic for Special Children, Lancaster, PA
Providing Primary Care and Collaborative Consultation for Children with Rare Liver Diseases

  • Design and Implementation of Peri-operative Protocols for Pediatric Metabolic Liver Disease:  Jodie Vento MGC, LCGC, Assistant Professor, Human Genetics University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Evolving Trends in Liver Transplant for Metabolic Liver Disease: Simon Horslen, MD, Director of Pediatric Hepatology, UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
  • Role of Liver Transplantation in Treatment for Methylmalonic Acidemia in the Era of Gene Therapy: Katherine Black, MD, Fellow, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Tennessee
  • Case Based Discussion and Unique Consideration
    Panel: Drs. Strauss, Vento, Horslen

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