Just Released - Transplantation Journal - December Issue

Winter reading in the northern and summer reading in the southern hemisphere, this issue examines several knotty problems in liver transplantation - from the equity of access and acute liver failure due to yellow phosphorus, through to selection criteria for those with HCC and retransplantation after living liver transplants. Knowledge of Ischaemia reperfusion in both liver and kidney translantation progresses with some potential interventions applicable to the clinic. COVID vaccination has another broad lesson to teach us and some excellent reviews include consideration of tools for data harmonization.

Table of Contents

Research Highlights

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Transplantation Journal Highlights

Transplantation - Social Media Content

The Final Rule in a Bind: What We Are Learning From Suboptimal Simultaneous Heart-Kidney Outcomes and Potential Solutions to the Problem
The 2018 revision of the adult Heart Allocation Policy (aHAP) led to a notable increase in the rate of simultaneous heart-kidney transplants (SHKT) in the United States. However, this policy has faced criticism for its inability to enhance post-transplant survival rates or decrease mortality among SHKT recipients on the waitlist, although high-quality kidneys are used.
HLA and AB0 Polymorphisms May Influence SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Severity
SARS-CoV-2 infection is heterogeneous in clinical presentation and disease evolution. To investigate whether immune response to the virus can be influenced by genetic factors, we compared HLA and AB0 frequencies in organ transplant recipients and waitlisted patients according to presence or absence of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Transplantation Direct - Social Media Content

Early Complications in Kidney Donors and Course of Health-related Quality of Life 12 mo After Donation: An Analysis of the Swiss Organ Living-Donor Health Registry
Since 1998, the Swiss Organ Living-Donor Health Registry (SOL-DHR) has recorded peri- and postoperative complications of living kidney (LK) donors, as reported by all Swiss transplant centers and has collected follow-up data prospectively.
Revisiting the Prognostic Influences of Donor-Recipient Size Mismatch in Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation
Liver transplantation (LT) outcomes are influenced by donor-recipient size mismatch. This study re-evaluated the impact on graft size discrepancies on survival outcomes.

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