
IPTA Virtual Educational Symposium

NOVEMBER 14–15, 2024

Welcome to our first IPTA-VES - International Pediatric Transplant Association Virtual Education Symposium. After many successful years of IPTA Fellow Meetings, we have arranged this teaching so it is available to all those skilled staff working with children and their families in the field of transplantation.

Stephen D. Marks

United Kingdom

Rupesh Raina

United States

Jenny Wichart


Recordings will be available for IPTA and TTS members to view shortly after the VES.
  1. The International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) Virtual Education Symposium is open to IPTA and TTS members.
  2. This interactive symposium is over two half days on Thursday and Friday 14 and 15 November 2024, commencing with two separate streams for medics and for allied health and nursing professionals.
  3. This is an educational symposium which aims to cover both basic and advanced subjects for all trainee and staff physicians and surgeons and as well as members of the allied health and nursing professionals, including psychosocial teams.
Learning Objectives
  1. Basic and advanced immunology and immunosuppression
  2. Post-transplantation rejection and infection
  3. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder
  4. Latest clinical information on nutrition, adherence, quality of life and sexual health
  5. Psychosocial aspects of transplantation
  6. Ethical and practical aspects of transplantation in low resource settings
  7. When to accept deceased donor organs for transplantation
  8. Academic guidance on writing grants, abstracts and manuscripts
Abstract Submission

Please submit abstracts here:

Guidance on abstract submission:
  1. Abstracts will not be accepted unless conform to these guidelines
  2. Please submit abstracts, written in English with Arial font 10 in Word document with abstract title limited to 30 words (without abbreviations in title) and abstract length up to 500 words (including any pictures, charts or tables noting only one jpg picture, chart or table allowed) with up to five total authors.
  3. Please state the presenting author and if this author is trainee physician / trainee surgeon / medical student / allied health professional / nursing professional / student nurse / student allied health professionals.
  4. Please state category of abstract: kidney / liver / heart / lung / liver / stem cell / bone marrow / multi-organ / ethics / psychosocial.
  5. Please structure your abstract as Aims / Methods / Results / Conclusions.

Day 2 - Friday, November 15, 2024 • 09:00–13:00 EDT (See below for your local time)

Local time (Corresponding local time at your current location)
The duration of this session is scheduled for 4 hours.

09:00–11:00 | Joint AHNP and Medical Session

Moderated by Stephen D. Marks, United Kingdom

09:00 | HPV-infections and Vaccination

Klara Posfay-Barbe, Switzerland 

09:20 | HIV-infection and SOT

Sharon Chen, United States 

Hayley Gans, United States 

Sruti Nadimpalli, United States 

09:40 | When and How to have Conversations about Sexual Health

Monica Ardura, United States 

Paula Cody, United States 

10:00 | Male Reproduction in Light of SOT

Kaushal Amatya, United States 

10:30 | Female Reproduction in Light of SOT

Lisa Coscia, United States 

11:00 | How to Achieve Pediatric Transplantation in Low Resource Settings

Mignon McCulloch, South Africa 

11:30 | Pursuing Academic Endeavors in Pediatric Transplantation: Writing Grants, Manuscripts, and Juggling Life’s Commitments

Jo Wray, United Kingdom 

Sharon Bartosh, United States 

12:00 | AHNP + Fellow Abstract Presentation Sessions

Stephen D. Marks, United Kingdom 

Rupesh Raina, United States 

Promotional Images

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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6