Intestinal Failure

The Official Journal of IIRTA

Douglas G Farmer, MD., FACS, CTS
University of California Los Angeles
David Geffen School of Medicine
Los Angeles, California, United States
Intestinal Transplant, Pediatric Liver Transplantation

Deputy Editor:
Helen M. Evans, BSc (Hons), MBChB, MRCP, MRCPCH, FRACP
Starship Child Health
Auckland, New Zealand
Paediatric Gastroenterology, Intestinal Failure, Clinical Nutrition, Liver Disease

Associate Editors:
Helen M. Simon Lal, BSc (Hons), MBChB, FRCP, PhD
Salford Royal Hospital Intestinal Failure Unit
Salford, United Kingdom
Gastroenterology, Clinical Nutrition &, Intestinal Failure

Josh Weiner, MD
New York-Presbyterian Columbia University Medical Center
New York, New York, United States
Intestinal transplantation, Transplant tolerance, Xenotransplantation

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Online ISSN 2950-4562
Copyright © 2025 International Intestinal Rehabilitation & Transplant Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.

Intestinal Failure (INTF) is the official journal of the International Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association (IIRTA) with leadership by globally recognized members in the field.

It is published by Elsevier quarterly as an online only, Open Access journal and is indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals. Publication in Intestinal Failure is free of charge until the end of 2025.

Intestinal Failure is a premier peer-reviewed publication, providing a platform for the exchange of current research findings and dialogue of ideas in intestinal transplantation, rehabilitation and failure, as well as parenteral and enteral nutrition management.

Intestinal Failure serves all health professionals involved in the global nutrition and transplant community, including physicians, surgeons, dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, and other allied health professionals, as well as clinical and basic scientists. It bridges the gap between basic and clinical science by publishing comprehensive reviews of translational investigations.

The journal publishes authoritative papers covering basic and clinical science related to intestinal failure, rehabilitation and transplantation. It publishes original research, reviews, clinical guidelines, abstracts of the CIIRTA biennial congress, videos, letters to the editor, and commentaries. The journal is a forum for debate and is a major platform for promoting understanding, improving results, and advancing science in intestinal rehabilitation and transplantation.

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International Intestinal Rehabilitation & Transplant Association
c/o The Transplantation Society
740 Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6