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Allied Health and Nursing Professionals Committee

10736.1 - Allied Health and Nursing Professionals Committee - Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Presenter: Gillian Mayersohn, Jenny Prufe, Jenny Wichart, , ,
Authors: Gillian Mayersohn, Jenny Prufe, Jenny Wichart


We would like to invite all Allied Health and Nursing Professionals currently working within transplantation to an open meeting, to learn more about the IPTA AHNP Committee.

The goal of the meeting is to provide an overview of the structure of our Committee, discuss current ongoing and developing projects, and have discussion about what people would like to see from the AHNP Committee. The meeting will allow for networking opportunities, as well as the opportunity for non-committee members to get involved with allied health and nursing related projects. Our hope is this can be an annual meeting to encourage participation of the larger AHNP Committee, which in turn may help to increase future applications for serving on the AHNP Committee.

Learning Objectives

  1. Provide an overview about the structure of the IPTA AHNP Committee
  2. Inform attendees about current and developing projects, including opportunities to be involved
  3. Engage in robust discussion about future goals and opportunities for the AHNP Committee in supporting AHNP within IPTA and TTS

Meeting Chairs

Gillian Mayersohn, USA

Jenny Prufe, Germany

Jenny Wichart, Canada

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  1. The opinions and statements expressed on this site reflect the views of the author or authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Transplantation Society and/or its Sections.
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  3. The material is solely for educational purposes for qualified health care professionals.
  4. The Transplantation Society and/or its Sections are not liable for any decision made or action taken based on the information contained in the material on this site.
  5. The information cannot be used as a substitute for professional care.
  6. The information does not represent a standard of care.
  7. No physician-patient relationship is being established.



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Suite 1245
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